Tuesday, May 18, 2010

18th MAY 2010......Revival

When I started this bolg, I was big time vella and unemployed as well. So, I had this ambition that I will write something everyday, so that I can have some more velapanti. I did write a few posts here then things got a little complicated, life became hectic. Suddenly I had no time, neither for the things I liked to do nor for the people who I enjoyed spending time with. That was not the end of it, there are things which one can see then there are things one has to see. So, yeah..life became a little more complicated. But the question is, how complicated life can be? The answer is 'as much as we want'. If I start accepting the abnormalities they surely will become a indispensable part of my life. I do not want that to happen.....so I am getting back in vellapanti mode.......This Blog is being revived. ;-)

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